8:00am - 5:00pm

8:00am - 3:00pm

Evenings by Appointment

What is "Steam" cleaning?
"Steam" cleaning is described better as hot water extraction . It is the injection of hot water into the carpet fibers, suspending loosened soil, and dirt, then extracting the solution from the carpet fibers.

Is this the best method for my carpet?
Yes, if you have a synthetic carpet. Most carpets are made of nylon, a synthetic material. The hot water extraction method lifts out the deep down dirt that causes damage to the carpet fibers, and hot water extraction makes nylon carpet fibers stand back up.

What is Dry cleaning?
Dry cleaning is the injection of solvents into the carpet fibers, and then the extraction of the solvents with the loosened soil, and dirt.

Is this the best method for my carpet?
Yes, if you have a natural carpet, or just light soiling. Dry cleaning is the recommend method for wool, and cotton carpets. Dry cleaning solvents are great at removing oil based stains.

How is stain removal done?
We treat the stain with at least one of three types of cleaning agents. The first is an alkaline cleaner, this strips soil off of carpet fibers. The second is a dry cleaning solvent, this is used on oil based stains. The third is a surfactant, this boost the power of the first two cleaning agents.

Is this all you do to remove stains?
No, we also loosen the stain the same way you would loosen a stain on your clothes. We scrub the stubborn stains, this loosens the dirt, allowing the hot water extractor to remove the loosened soil, and dirt.

Can all spots and stains be removed?
No, but most are easily removed with our three step cleaning process of, stain treatment, stain agitation, then hot water extraction.

Will my traffic patterns come out of my carpet?
Yes, as long as there is no damage to your carpet fibers. The soil, and dirt in those areas are easily removed with our three step cleaning process.

What causes traffic patterns?
Walking on the same area of the carpet, leaves behind dirt, and soil. As you walk on this dirt and soil, you are cutting the carpet fibers, causing permanent damage to the carpet fiber. Also your padding acts as a shock absorber for your carpet fibers, as your padding wears out, your carpet fibers are crushed by foot traffic.

How do I avoid getting a traffic pattern?
We recommend our three step cleaning process as soon as you begin to see wear problem.

What is texture rejuvenation?
Texture rejuvenation is the restoration of your carpet fibers, and the overall appearance of your carpet. Texture rejuvenation is accomplished by our three step cleaning process.

What about the spots and stains that are still there?
Those spots are actually damaged areas of your carpet. The areas have either had the dye removed, or have had dye left behind.

What could have caused these stains?
Foods with natural, or man made dyes can leave those dyes behind. Body fluids can bleach or dye the area where it comes into contact with the carpet. Over the counter carpet cleaners have optical brighteners, which cause a yellowing, and lightening of carpet fibers. Laundry detergents have bleach and optical brighteners, which cause a yellowing, and lightening of carpet fibers. Medications can bleach or dye carpet fibers. The list is endless, but don't fear, we can restore most stains back to the original color.

What is Spot Dyeing?
Some spots have actually removed dye from you carpet. We neutralize the bleaching agent, then we combine dyes to bring the spot back to the original color.

Will the area match the rest of my carpet?
Yes. The area will be a close match to the original color of the carpet. Usually you can expect an eighty to ninety percent match.

Is spot dyeing my best choice?
Yes, if you have light areas in your carpeting, and the areas are no larger than a softball. The smaller the area the easier it is to bring it back to the original color.

What about the black edges of my carpet?
These are called filtration lines. The normal three step cleaning process is not always affective on these areas.

Can you remove these filtration lines?
Yes. We use an oxygen cleaner to safely remove these black edges.

What are deodorizers?
Deodorizers are added to our cleaning process to give the whole carpet a fresh, clean smell.

What are disinfectants?
Disinfectants are added to our cleaning process to remove odors caused by germs, and bacteria.

Will this remove all of my odors?
Yes, as long as the odor is in your carpet, and not your padding.

What are protectants?
Protectants, applied to your carpet at the end of our cleaning process, protect your carpet fibers from spills, stains, and dirt.

Which of these do you recommend?
Not all carpets need these specialty services. Some carpets only need some of these specialty services. Some carpets need all of these specialty services. To find out which specialty service is best for your carpet ask your carpet technician what he recommends.

Call to receive a free estimate right over the phone.

American Cleaning Services
18403 Twenty-Two Mile Rd.
Macomb, MI. 48044
248 812 2211